We have assisted with several deliveries within air, road and sea freight. We work with several large customers, and transport for both rigs, platforms, shipyards, boats and equipment deliveries that require both special transport and fast deliveries. Not least, the flow between these customers is important. We work 24/7 and always have the customer in focus.
6 Generators (6 cars) of 21 tons each from Estonia to Hordvik.
click for more picturesMob boat from Tyco Denmark to Ulstein shipyard. The boat has dimensions of 11.5 m long, 3.9 wide and 4.3 m high.
click for more pictures11 ton Generator from ABB Nanchang, picked up by car in Nanchang to Shangahi and fly to Oslo. express car from Oslo to Kleven Ulsteinvik.
click for more picturesA stern roller was transported from South Korea to Ulsteinvik in Norway. Special transport by road from factory to port in South Korea.The roller itself traveled the sea route, while parts and equipment were flown to Oslo. Road freight from Oslo to Ulsteinvik.
click for more picturesSpoleapperat for National Oilwell ble fraktet med flere biler fra Ulstein Verft til Italia. Apperatet ble delt opp i mindre deler for å kunne fraktes med bil.
click for more picturesA-frame of 12×15 meters transported to Las Palmas. BEF Shipping contributed here by finding practical and efficient solutions for shipping in terms of costs and time. The frame was divided to be able to load it on a truck, and welded together in Las Palmas
click for more picturesThe EXPRESS van to the Hammerfest oil base on Christmas Day 2013. Waiting for the convoy to cross the salt mountain.
click for more picturesUrgent delivery that was due on Easter Sunday.
click for more picturesExpress delivery by car from Rolls Royce Brattvåg to Rotterdam, the goods were to be forwarded to DOF in Brazil. Here, the order and delivery were made within 24 hours. The entire delivery took 2.5 days.
click for more picturesSpecial transport of 45-ton trusts from Brunvoll in Molde to Ulstein Verft in Ulsteinvik.
click for more pictures